Saturday, July 27, 2019

THE COUNTRY OF GREECE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

THE COUNTRY OF GREECE - Research Paper Example The Greeks were filled with the passion to fight for freedom. They spent 9 years fighting for their independence from 1821 to 1829. Their struggles ended up with the liberation of Greece when it was officially declared as an independent nation. The small part of Greece which was liberated then became the home for Greek patriots who gained the rule of lonian islands in 1864 (Gardiner et al 1985, p 382). Later on Epirus, Thessaly, Crete, Macedona, Western Thrace and Dodecanese islands were added to make this small nation one of the prominent states of the world. Greece is one of the members of European Union since 1981. It is a developed country and also a major part of other independent bodies working for the welfare of the member countries. Shipping and tourism are considered as the most profitable industries of Greece. Greek merchant ship fleet is also a reason of fame for this country. Greece follows the parliamentary democracy as its political system of Greece. This political system is defined in the constitution of Greece. The recent amendments in the constitution of Greece were found in May 2008. The powers lie with the Prime Minister and the cabinet and the government accepts the majority call in taking parliamentary decisions. The governmental system of Greece is divided into 3 branches. The executives include the president and the prime Minister who are designated as the head of the state and the head of the government respectively. The Legislative branch consists of a 300 seat unicameral â€Å"vouli† and the judicial branch comprises the Supreme Court (Clogg, 1987 pp 223-230). The Greek constitution distributes the political powers in 5 major components. These include the power held by the President of Greece, the legislative power, the power held by executives, the judiciary power and the power allocated to the local government of Greece. The electoral system adopted by Greece calls for more

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